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nss G-Club's May 2022 Horoscope

Suggestions and forecasts to find back balance even with Mercury Retrograde

nss G-Club's May 2022 Horoscope Suggestions and forecasts to find back balance even with Mercury Retrograde

May is the month of goodvibes par excellence, it will be because the energies of this period are divided between that wonderful sign ruled by Venus (yes, Taurus, I'm talking about you!) and Gemini, casinists and partiers by nature.  Let's start with the good news: Venus, the planet of love, enters Aries on May 2 and then moves into Taurus on May 28, this means it's time for love, adventure and then pure romance.  Now let's move on to the not so nice one: Mercury retrograde is back! Well yes, on May 10 in Gemini, followed by a backward plunge into Taurus on May 22 Mercury will begin its retrograde motion, ready to mess up even the neatest minds. What should we expect until June 3? Communication problems, misunderstandings, technology that doesn't work and delayed travel. We warned you.

Another important date will be May 10, with the entry of Jupiter (the lucky planet) in the sign of Aries. This will bring a new sprint towards summer and many many positive energies. On May 16 we will witness a powerful lunar eclipse in Scorpio: we can push our relationships to the next step and improve the way we relate to others. May 20 then officially begins the Gemini Season and brings a breath of lightness, vitality and fun. Mars, on the other hand, will visit Aries in this month going even further to strengthen the drive and action of Jupiter. In conclusion, the New Moon of May 30 in Gemini will allow us to transform our desires into reality. 

These transits, together with the resulting vibes will continue to turn the balance of life clockwise: let's see how these changes of the stars will affect each sign this month.


Dear Aries, May is shaping up to be a very positive month full of good news. Not only does the romantic planet Venus enter your sign, but during the month Jupiter and Mars will also visit you to make the fifth month of the year truly special. Listen to your gut, trust your instincts and make decisions head-on. Don't let anything stop you and you'll see that everything will go according to plan. In April you may have put an end to situations that were no longer part of you and now there may be doubts about whether or not you made the right choice. Take the month of May to devote your time only to yourself, only then can you know what you really want or who you need. 

Magical Moment: May 10, luck has never been more on your side.

Tip of the month: Plan a country picnic


HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Dear Taurus, here's something to celebrate because the month begins with the sun still in your sign. The May 16 lunar eclipse falling right in opposition illuminates your house of relationships. The goal is to practice calmness (both in situations that may occur with yourself and others) and reduce your dramatic streak over every little inconvenience. More relaxation and chill in full Taurus style. Also because here there's something to celebrate, from May 20, in fact, the sun leaves your sign to enter Gemini: it's party time. 


Magical moment: May 29, long live romance!

Tip of the month: Pamper yourself with an indoor picnic.


HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


HBD Gemini! On May 20, the sun enters your sign ushering in a super Gemini Season. Contagious laughter, desire to do a lot of things, enthusiasm, energy and vitality. Obviously, to make sure we don't miss anything, there is also a bad news... Mercury Retrograde! Don't panic, dear Gemini, it's just a matter of getting better organized, leaving earlier and facing the obstacles with your usual lightness and energy. You'll see that nothing will be able to affect you in this very special month!  


Magical moment: May 20, party party party!

Tip of the month: Immerse yourself in nature with a floral picnic


HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Dear Cancer, your lunar nature makes you sensitive to the movements of the Moon, especially when it comes to eclipses. For this reason, May will be a very special and sensitive month for you. The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 may bring up unresolved issues, kicking the famous dust under the rug. But it's up to you to decide how to deal with this situation, whether by throwing yourself down and falling at the mercy of your emotions or by turning your feelings into an incredible strength. Use it to make a new project of yours flourish, something that requires your energy and effort. If you push your resources in this way, there's a very high chance of success and everything going smoothly.

Magical Moment: May 5, let go of pessimism and attract positivity into your life

Tip of the Month: Plan a picnic in the city



LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


So many contrasting vibes dear Leo! I'll tell you, it's not going to be an "easy" month but very eventful (and fun I might add) Mercury Retrograde and the mid-month lunar eclipse don't like you at all. These two moments could affect your mood with a transient dark cloud. My advice, however, is not to get caught up in discouragement and bad mood, but to try to face any small vicissitude with positivity and energy. It will not be easy, but I'm sure you can do it. On the other hand, the favorable transit of Venus, Mars and Jupiter makes everything more fun and energetic, let out the fire in you and nothing disastrous will happen.

Magical moment: May 8, listen to your voice and trust your sixth sense

Tip of the Month: Cast off your moorings and head out for a picnic on the boat


HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


There's nothing that scares you as much as Mercury Retrograde. Let's just say that all your nightmares are packed into that handful of days and you just want to lock yourself in, right dear Virgo? This is because Mercury is your ruling planet and therefore you are particularly sensitive to its every move and motion. So how to do? The rules are always the same: from May 10 to June 2 try not to make hasty decisions, organize everything in time (although I know you already do) and make your mind more flexible to changes of plans, even last minute. It will be especially on this point that you will have to work to enjoy these two weeks at their best.


Magic moment: May 10, complete all the tasks you left pending and enjoy the freedom!

Tip of the month: Take a flight and treat yourself to a picnic in Paris



LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Dear Libra, what an eventful sky you have. So much is happening that even with the presence of Mercury retrograde from May 20 until June 3, you can stay calm and focused. In fact, it will be this transit that will make you realize how important it is to engage in dialogue in your relationships and have healthy communication. But on to the juicy happenings. Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will be in opposition to you throughout the month and this will give you an incredible boost to make decisions and launch into new exciting projects. You probably won't be thoughtful as usual, but determined and courageous. The last days of the month will be special for feelings and romantic encounters...things can get really hot!

Magic moment: May 13, a day of self-care.

Tip of the month: Find zen with the relaxing view of a lakeside picnic


HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


What a fun month dear Scorpio! It may be that the upcoming Gemini Season brings lightness and a desire for change, it may be that Mercury Retrograde makes you want to do everything opposite of what needs to be done, but that's not all. A very important event in the sky will be the May 16 Lunar Eclipse right in your sign, bringing turmoil and drama into your life. But then again, how much do you love this Scorpio feeling? I mean, there will be fun to be had and it will be a great time to let go of a bit of your "old you" and embrace a new side of you that is more consistent with the person you are now.


Magical Moment: May 16, the time to reconnect with your deepest emotions.

Tip of the Month: Romanticize your life like a movie with a movie-themed picnic night



LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Dear Sagittarius, While Venus, Mars and your beloved Jupiter will be in your favor for practically the entire month, Mercury Retrograde and the Gemini Season bring some tension and nervousness. Let's figure out together how to act though. No to impulsive actions, no to procrastination, no to fights carried out for pride and no to head-butting, understand Sag babe? The rule for the whole month will have to be "I'll think about it for a moment and then decide". And I'll hearten you right now because with Jupiter so in your favor, in the end the choices you make (following this mode) will be the fairest you can make for yourself. Trust me.


Magic moment: May 26, plan a special day with an equally special person

Tip of the Month: Put your feet in the sand and release the carefree spirit with a picnic at the beach



LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Dear Capricorn, the month of May begins with a burst of positivity and optimism. The advice from the stars is to observe nature and the influence it has in your life.  The lunar eclipse on May 16 and the transit of Venus in Taurus on the 28th bring an increased dose of hotness and sensuality.Could this be the perfect time to seduce that person you've been thinking about for a while? Let your bedroom life take the direction you want, without too much thought. Another interesting date will be from the 22nd, with Mercury (retrograde) touching some strings in your sentimental past. Let yourself be guided by sensations and emotions, fully embrace your sexuality and express your libido without restraint.


Magical moment: May 19, shopping day!

Tip of the month: Unleash your desires by looking at the stars with a picnic on a terrace, above the clouds



LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐