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Virgo season has just started, what will it look like?

Back from holidays, the vibes of this season help us plan and organize the upcoming months

Virgo season has just started, what will it look like? Back from holidays, the vibes of this season help us plan and organize the upcoming months

And here we go with the Virgo season. After having lived through a fiery period, made up of courage and passion, we are now all ready to welcome different vibes. During the Virgo season, regardless of our sign, we will all feel the need to organize our days minute by minute. Wasting time becomes the worst nightmare. So we will be led to live everyday life in a different way, intensifying our routine, making very long to-do-lists, finally, making ourselves useful for others as well.

Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by planet Mercury, a symbol of communication, thoughts and technology. In this season we will be able to feel a new mental energy that will allow us to be more efficient in achieving our goals. Incredible planning skills, a unique critical eye, and tremendous attention to detail - all of this (and more) is part of Virgo. But it will not be all roses: a flaw of this sign is self-criticism. When perfectionism becomes "obsession", it's time to stop for a moment. Not always everything goes as planned.

Our favorite celebrities born under this sign are Zendaya, Beyoncé, Blake Lively, Cameron Diaz and Salma Hayek. What do they have in common? They are hardworking, precise, incredibly talented and privacy lovers. They don't like gossip!

The signs that will best enjoy the influence of this astrological season are undoubtedly Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Finally you will feel understood like never before. For Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio, however, it will be an important period to cultivate hobbies and, why not, perhaps lay the foundations to transform them into more concrete projects. Aquarius and Libra will feel the need to work in their routine and change the design of their house, optimizing space. Last but not least, Pisces, Sagittarius and Leo will feel they have to do a great job on themselves, trying to improve certain attitudes that they want to eliminate.

Happy Virgo Season everyone!