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nss G-Club September horoscope

A month of new beginnings, restarts, and a lot of astrological events

nss G-Club September horoscope A month of new beginnings, restarts, and a lot of astrological events

September is a month of beginnings, of departures and restarts. We begin to draw up the list of good intentions and start with a great energy. But what will the stars have in store for us this month? We will start in the middle of the Virgo season and it precise and organizational energy can only positively influence all the zodiac signs. On September 2nd we will have the Full Moon in the sign of Pisces, an important time to talk about compromises and responsibilities. Mercury will enter Libra while Venus will transit in the sign of Leo, making the romance very hot & fun. The 9th will be a crucial date: Mars gets retrograde! We will have to live with this feeling until November 13, so we better learn to use it in our favor. Mars Retrograde slows down the pace, makes us think and asks us to put our foot on the brake instead of on the accelerator. On the 17th the New Moon in Libra will open up new possibilities that will find fertile ground on the 23rd, when the Sun will also pass through the sign of Libra. Well, now everyone at the starting blocks, here are the astrological forecasts sign by sign for the month of September by nss G-Club.






Dear Aries, the Full Moon at the beginning of the month tells you that the time has come to close the circle, to complete. Mars, your dominant planet, will always start its retrograde motion at the beginning of September, but this shouldn't scare you. You must learn to use this strong energy in a positive way. The sky tells you to think about those situations left open, even in relationships. Mars gives you an ultimatum: either you go to work and try to change, or it's your time to accept that things don't always go the way you want. Only by doing this can you dedicate yourself to exciting new beginnings, such as starting to cultivate new projects, new relationships, new passions. But I recommend, count to 10 before speaking and take many good breaths, do not give in to aggression. 
It's time for exciting new beginnings!







September opens with a Full Moon that illuminates the sphere of your relationships and affections. It is a positive time to meet new people, expand your network of friendships, bring relationships to a more intimate and profound level. In return, Mars Retrograde makes you feel tired, very lazy, exhausted. You really need a boost of life energy. Try to understand when you have these "down" moments and how to get back on your feet. You could decorate your home with fragrant and colorful flowers, they immediately help a good mood! Or practice physical activity, meditation, in short, any activity that can make you feel immediately better. It is important to find a passion on which to channel this energy and come out full and satisfied with yourself. The answer is always within you.
You need a boost of energy.







Dear Gemini, the month of September will give you some thought. The Full Moon of August 2nd opens your eyes to some aspects of your life that you have never seen before (or that maybe you didn't want to see…). The sky gives you all the positive energy to allow you to take control of your life and change these situations that no longer suit you. The Mantra to repeat is: I have to renew myself, my dreams and my vision of life. September will also open your eyes to relationships, putting all the conditions to expand your knowledge. Exchanging ideas with others is crucial for you right now. Many times hearing the opinions of others allows you to change your perspective on many things in your life, think about it. 
Take control of your life.






Dear Cancer, September is a bit of a month of beginning, of restarts. You will feel the need to find a certain stability and security that has recently been lost. And what is the best way to regain your balance than to spend time with your family? As you well know, by "family" I don't only mean blood ties, but also all those people who make you feel positive emotions. It is a great time to express yourself, to communicate your feelings, to go to your roots in a deeper way. This month's sky gives you all the energy you need to find this balance and feel free and light to start off with new adventures. Good luck!
Family time is precious.






Dear Leo, the Full Moon at the beginning of the month illuminates your fears and worries. What's wrong? It's time to face your anxieties head on, let yourself go! You are a force of nature and you know it too well, there is no reason to worry. September is the month of new beginnings and the sky is asking you to clear out negative thoughts to make room for a good dose of positivity to start at the top. Venus will be in your sign for the whole month and this gives you the opportunity to indulge yourself, to do anything that makes you smile. It's time to take risks, have fun, don't care and break down some of your limits. I'll just make a note, keep your sharp answers at bay, Mars retrograde won't spare you either!
Stay away from bad vibes!






Happy birthday dear Virgo! This month the stars put the focus on relationships with others. Communication is very important and you who are a mercurial sign know it very well. There may have been some difficulties in this area during this month. Were there any misunderstandings? Were you able to express yourself in an argument? It is time to think about it and reflect on it. September will also be a great time to question your heart about how you feel about some people in your life. Relationships can be taken to a deeper and more intimate level, of course only if you want to. Heaven also asks you to take care and nurture your most intimate and personal part by dedicating your time to doing activities that you like and make you feel good. It is a month made for learning something more about yourself!
Listen to your heart.






Dear Libra, the strong energy of the Full Moon earlier this month opens your eyes and shows you that all the hard work of the previous months has paid off. It hasn't been a very easy time for you. Mars in opposition and now retrograde too is costing you some bitter morsels to swallow. The good thing though is that Mercury's favorable position takes you under its protective wing and crowns you one of the luckiest signs of this month! Don't lower the crest though, take care of your body and mind. Think about your well-being and practice any way to take care of yourself. It is a time of new beginnings, of drawing up the list of your resolutions. From the 23rd onwards, your astrological season will also begin and will bring many good vibes in the air, do not worry!
Work hard play harder.






Dear Scorpio, the September sky asks you to give free rein to your creativity. It will be a time when you will feel very inspired and surprised at the magnificent results you will achieve. Use your body and don't stop, paint, cook, garden, dance and sing. Nothing can stop your super energy so positive and powerful that it is contagious! If you listen to heaven, your mind will also benefit. Indeed Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, will infuse you with a good dose of calm and tranquility. Discussions become more pleasant and constructive and you will feel unperturbed. Even in the most positive periods, however, there is a negative side. Yours concerns the routine, you may at times feel trapped in your daily life, the fault of this Retrograde Mars that leaves you no way out.
Your creativity has no limits.






Dear Sagittarius, you are a mobile sign characterized by the desire for change and this month you will feel this need like never before! It is the perfect time to rearrange some aspects of your life, review your priorities and create some new interesting vision for you. September, as well as a breath of fresh air, also brings family feelings, deja-vu. Trust your feelings and follow what your instinct tells you. It is a great time to plan for the near future. September also opens up exciting new job opportunities for you. In short, it is time to close the circle and throw yourself headlong into the "new". It will be an exciting journey! 
Trust your instincts.






Dear Capricorn, the September sky asks you to pull the handbrake and think carefully about how to move. It is not a good time to start something new immediately, but rather to understand how to start it, to organize ideas and strategies. I know this is something you normally already do, it's just part of your DNA. But this month we need an extra effort. The relationship with others is excellent and positive. People in your life can, even unknowingly, help you figure out which way to go. Take advantage of the advice of those who love you, they will come in really useful. Also with regard to love and romance it will be a splendid, lucky time for a Capricorn!
Which road will you take?






Dear Aquarius, you must know that September focuses on two important aspects of life: money and your well-being. This month's sky will be a bit like a starting point for you. It is therefore important to understand how to plan the economic aspects of your life. There might be some pleasant surprises on this front. The stars, however, ask you to be confident with yourself. Many situations may seem unclear to you now, but trust that as they become clearer and more understandable to you, even economically speaking. Another aspect that should not be underestimated is your well-being, especially physical. Do you workout and eat healthy? Remember that the body is your home and bad management of it also leads to bad vibes in your thoughts, don't forget that!
Focus on money but don't forget health.






The full moon at the beginning of the month in your sign leads you to reflect a lot on yourself, my dear Pisces. "What do I want?", "Which direction do I want to go?”, "what would I like to do?", "What do I need?" These are just some of the questions that will torment you this month. There is nothing better than taking advantage of Mars Retrograde to slow down a bit and give yourself time to think. Sometimes you tend to be very negative and self-critical with yourself and this also makes you have a bad influence on your thoughts. But as you well know you are much more than what you think. Don't get overwhelmed by bad vibes, only you have the power to decide which side your emotions are on.
Don't think too much.