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nss G-Club June horoscope

The stars predict an eventful month, bringing change and transformation

nss G-Club June horoscope The stars predict an eventful month, bringing change and transformation

Dear friends of nss G-Club, a new month has just begun and our June horoscope is here! Let's start by telling you that this will be a month of change for all signs.

The sky will be shaken by astronomical phenomena like lunar and solar eclipses, Mercury retrograde and (on top of that) even Venus retrograde. What does this mean? All signs will have to step back and look at some aspects of their lives from a different perspective. Change is in the air and now more than ever we should try to make the most out of it.

So here are our astrological predictions sign by sign. Enjoy!





Dear Aries girl, the stars ask you to alter the way you experience change, always in a rush and without ever thinking too much. No, this time you have to take a step back. And you should also calm down. If you do this, you will understand that your life is easier than it seems. You are always in fourth gear, ready for action, but as you well know this does not always bring positive feelings. Rather. Think before you act, speak. Even in discussions if you respond impulsively, with anger all you get back is anger in turn. It's called karma. Observe more about what is going on around you instead of running all the time. Come on, you can do it!
You need to slow down.





Hey Taurus girl, change is in the air and you know it too! You may feel unstable for this reason. You know, Taurus needs its firm and secure points and in this period they could be missing. In this month the stars ask you to focus on yourself and on the relationship with others. "Am I treating this person the way I would like them to be treated?" "Have I been too surly and short-tempered?" It is the ideal time to look inside yourself and to improve yourself. You must be more conscious of your actions, your words and your thoughts. It is also an excellent time to finish what you started, to complete your half-finished project. You will be surprised by yourself, trust me! We believe in you.
You will surprise yourself!





Happy birthday dear Gemini! Also for you this month is full of changes, luckily you are a changeable sign and therefore you face them in a natural and positive way! But the stars have some advice to give you. Very often you are down or angry because you cannot get what you want as you want it. Here, you are wrong. It is important in this period to try to see more and more of the bigger picture instead of just your own personal vision of things. June is also a very good time for relationships and communication. Relationships could be strengthened and possible discussions will be easily resolved if you know how to look big. May the glass half full of things be with you, cheers! 
Finally the glass is half full for you.





Happy birthday to you too, my dear Cancer! It is a perfect period to slow down the pace and understand how to react to the changes that will occur during this month. Right now in your life you are looking for personal satisfaction on a deeper level. Probably the goals you have achieved are no longer enough and you are raising the bar. And you do very well because it is the right time to dream. But the stars ask you not to be too rigid with yourself and to let you go. Initially the path to be taken to achieve one's dreams is not outlined, easily visible. But right now you can't stop yourself from this fear. Let yourself go and appreciate the path that will lead you to the much desired destination!
You are a dreamer, so keep dreaming.





This month is a great opportunity to experience magical changes in your life! You are a fixed sign, and we all know that changes just don't go down and you don't appreciate them, even if you don't show it as a real lioness. You have been hoping for and hoping for something for the future for a while, but now more than ever you need to feel your usual flame of passion for life within you. And how to do it? You need creativity! Yes, you are already a creative sign, but creativity is something that must be cultivated, listened to and supported. Breathe, slow down and let yourself be inspired. Creativity will really help you! Trust nss G-Club (and the stars of course!).
Cultivate your creativity.





Dear Virgo, this month you are feeling a little strange. But it is perfectly normal considering the sky that will accompany the whole month of June. And don't worry, you are not alone. These energies will help you re-frame your sense of identity and feel better again, because you will rediscover yourself! Let's say you could spend this month in a moody mood, first in peace with the world and the second after super confused. You are overcoming some of your old insecurities, leaving comfort zones and changing your mind about what you thought you wanted from your life. You are in transformation, you are blooming to better understand who you are and what you want. You will strengthen the relationship with yourself and once this path is finished you will feel happy and satisfied.
You are feeling a bit moody.





Dear Libra, your body is doing everything possible to make you feel clear signals, do you feel them? Or are you too confused to understand what's wrong? It's your fault, you think so much about every little detail that in the end you can't make a decision, you can't act. Also remember that being spontaneous and "light" is important for making decisions and moving forward. And lightness does not mean superficiality. What the stars are suggesting to you this month is to understand your fears when it comes to taking more authority in your life. It is time to trust yourself on a much deeper level. Go ahead and make that decision you put off, it's time to listen to your instincts!
Start making decision and move forward.





Dear scorpio girl, this month you show yourself different than usual. You have always been used to having a "tough" protective shell, this month instead all your emotions and sensitivity come out. Don't be afraid to let yourself go and admit that sometimes you just need a break. This spring season and quarantine made you want to experience time differently, more slowly to discover yourself. You have been running so fast in recent years that sometimes you have forgotten how to recognize your needs and your rhythms. The stars make you feel that June is the time to finally be kind to yourself.
Show yourself different than usual.





Hey Sag baby, as we already mentioned in June is about changes and personal transformation. The stars want you open to change, the energy you will feel is strong and vibrant, get ready! The most difficult thing about change is that we always want to try to control it, we need to feel we have the situation under control. But you have to let yourself go and trust what you feel. If something is telling you that things can no longer be what they were, you must let them go. Trust yourself to determine what it's worth fighting for and what you know is coming to a conclusion. Whatever change is just one part of a great trip for you. Enjoy the trip!
You'll feel a strong and vibrant energy.





Dear Cap girl, the change is real and you are already putting it into practice. You are trying to get closer and closer to the personal vision of yourself and you are ready to throw yourself into a thousand in this world, trying to make a difference. And knowing you will do it all right! Until now you have understood what you no longer need in your life, you feel brave and you are ready to face something big, different. You could think of an unexpected transfer, or a radical change of job, of relationships. In short, nobody can hold you still. You just need a little more time to clarify what it is. And this month, the stars encourage you to take that time to understand it. Keep letting go of the things that don't bring you closer to where you really want to be. Great things await you!
Nothing can hold you still.





The month of June encourages you to look back to where you have come, what you have learned and how you have changed. It is the ideal time to compare your past "I" and at the same time look to your "I" of the future. Who are you becoming dear Aquarius? What do you hope to see in the future? What have you learned from the past and what will you learn from tomorrow? What would you like to say to your younger self right now? In short, many questions will torment you during this month. And let's say you won't take it so well, running away from emotions is right in your DNA. But you are reaching an interesting personal aspect, a great awareness. Don't panic and you'll see that everything will be fine!
You have so many questions in your head.





The practicality of life makes you feel bad, is this true my dear pisces? You may want to escape reality right now, but be careful not to throw all your responsibilities away. Those big dreams and ideals that you hold so dear can start to come true if you start to face even the parts of your life that seem chaotic, disorganized or confused. I know, it is not easy for you and the desire to escape from your responsibilities is very high. But the sooner you look those responsibilities in the eye, the sooner you can take power over them. And first you can dedicate yourself to your dreams with all of yourself. Come on, the stars believe in you!
You may want to escape reality, but be careful.


Illustrations by Ilaria Colombo exclusively for nss G-Club