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nss G-Club May horoscope

Advice and predictions of the stars to try to stay positive in this difficult moment

nss G-Club May horoscope Advice and predictions of the stars to try to stay positive in this difficult moment

Good morning friends of nss G-Club, our super horoscope is back! May is here, and this will be a month divided between the tranquility and the super relaxed energy of the Taurus and the contagious and irresistible smile of the Gemini.

During this month it is important for all signs to look ahead, and try to stay positive despite the difficult situation we are currently experiencing, directing us towards new experiences that can enrich us. You should try to leave your comfort zone behind. This means, for many signs, to focus on yourself, on your projects and objectives but also on your hopes and wishes, and seek change when necessary.

What will the month of May hold for us? Here are our astrological predictions sign by sign.





Hey Aries girl, May welcomes you! It will be a very productive month, there is a strong communicative energy in the air that will allow you to put into practice all your ideas that are still abstract for now. Your desire to get involved is always very high, but this month it will be more! You will learn something new and rethink many things differently. It is a Neptunian month, which will allow you to feel a special connection with your most spiritual part. You have to understand that many things are not as they appear and you perhaps expect a little too much from people. Sometimes you have to question yourself too! Take this month as a period of personal reflection, an ideal time to recharge your batteries.
Connect with your spiritual part.



LOEWE Elephant Mini Bag

LOEWE Elephant Mini Bag

Happy birthday my dear Taurus girl! May is suggesting you to focus on your self-esteem and work to make it more solid, there is no reason to feel down! It is a month in which you will be able to look inside yourself with great ease, not think of others, what they say about you and how you would like them to behave. You need to focus on yourself only and what YOU want. Explore your talents and cultivate them! The stars ask you to be more open minded to see your life from different perspectives and in this key friends can really help you. There is nothing wrong with asking for some support, remember that! You must be aware that of all your ideas, some will work and therefore put all your energy and stubbornness into it. Others won't go well, but it's not a big deal, laugh about it!
Focus on yourself and be open-minded.



PRADA Re-Edition 2000

PRADA Re-Edition 2000

Dear Gemini girl, from May 21st it could be your birthday so Happy Birthday! The stars ask you to repeat these questions as a mantra: "How can I develop more self-love?", "How can I do my best for the things I love?". The answers are already inside you, you just have to pull them out! This can be the ideal time to go bigger and reinvent yourself. Look outside the lines and ask yourself if everything you are doing, you are doing it to the fullest. If not, you have the power to change these things, we all believe in you, really! But we have some annoying news to give you, there might be annoying arguments in the air, but it's perfectly normal when working on yourself, so don't worry too much!
It's time to reinvent yourself.



MM6 MAISON MARGIELA Mirrored Shoulder Bag

MM6 MAISON MARGIELA Mirrored Shoulder Bag

Dear cancer girl, you always and only worry about others. Have you ever wondered what YOU need instead? The time has come to say goodbye to the situations and people you feel are no longer part of you, where you no longer find yourself. Now you need to act, to change to achieve the much-deserved happiness. Probably the first thing you will do is watch 20 hours consecutive of a series on Netflix not to think about it, but hey this is wrong! You can't escape, it just makes you feel bad. Look inside and think what you can do to feel good again and satisfied. You have the bad habit of always indulging others in order not to create annoyances and quarrels, for this May asks you to listen to yourself for once. The answer is within you, run looking for it.
You need to learn to say goodbye.



FENDI Mini Baguette

FENDI Mini Baguette

Dear Leo girl, this month will be an extension of April for you, focusing mainly on your goals and hopes for the future. We are not talking exclusively about your working future, but more in general. It is a positive time to look forward and change for the better all those habits that you feel a little tight. Have you tried to have a more conscious lifestyle but you are not succeeding? Here, it's time to work on it. Do you have the feeling that you are giving body and soul for a project that does not satisfy you? Well, rearrange everything and start again! May asks you to think, to observe the world around you, and then have all the knowledge necessary to act, in the second half of the month of June. You are the only lioness of the zodiac, there is nothing you cannot do!
Set your goals and hopes for the future.



ALEXANDER WANG Micro Rhinestone Bag

ALEXANDER WANG Micro Rhinestone Bag

Dear Virgo, this month you will feel the need to dedicate yourself completely to your personal growth. It can relate to your job or your projects and activities that give you satisfaction. In short, working hard in these areas will bring you great awareness. Now more than ever, however, it is important to look ahead, to the future, to get out of your comfort zone and better embrace this new path. Only exposing yourself in a new way, outside your box will you be able to feel satisfied and I will tell you, the second half of the month promises to be successful. You are always very rational and determined, but sometimes you need that hint of madness to dare and complete the projects that are close to your heart. May is winking at you, good luck!
Get out of your comfort zone!





It’s a kind of magic, my dear Libra! May will bring that touch of magic you needed so much into your life. There is a strong energy in the air that will allow you to put your mind and thoughts first. Knowledge will be all for you, you want to learn something new and this is the right time! You feel you have to open your horizons, you have to travel (only with your head for now) to be more open to other cultures and to understand them. Here, you need to understand more deeply what is happening around you. It is also the perfect time to put into practice all the ideas that until now you have never had the courage to pronounce out loud. Would you like to start a blog? Throw yourself! Or create a fun format on your Instagram account? Whatever you decide will surely make you feel satisfied and success is assured.
Put your mind and thoughts first.



THE ATTICO Greta Pouch

THE ATTICO Greta Pouch

May has a clear and precise message for you, my dear scorpio girl: you need to focus only on the things that interest you, on the aspects of your character that you want to improve. It is also a favorable period to face your deepest and most insidious fears, conquer them and get out of them much stronger and more aware. It is a path that, if undertaken, will end with a personal rebirth. It will certainly not be easy, because like all the moments in which crises and bad moods are questioned are around the corner, but then you will really feel free as a bird in the spring. Trust me! Try to make a list by putting on the one hand all your fears and insecurities, all the attitudes that you would like to try to change and on the other side the solutions, the ways that come to your mind to do it. The answer is within you, you just have to listen to yourself.
Facing your fears will set you free like a bird.





Hey Sag girl, this month is only about relationships and connections with others! Is there someone who has been arousing your interest for a while but you don't know how to do it? Do not worry because May is by far the most flourishing period for a new start! Love is in the air, both for those who have a stable relationship and for singles listening here. Those who are engaged can take the relationship to a next level, made of greater intimacy and complicity, perhaps letting you go more under the sheets, if you are facing quarantine with your boyfriend, or with sexting. Instead for single girls who have a new crush, a new (virtual) flirt, things can turn out to be very interesting. But I have a little advice, don't expect anything, don't make dreams and castles in the air, but keep your feet on the ground! I know it is very difficult for a dreamer like you, but you have to let things go on their own. Just go with the flow!
It's all about (virtual) relationships and connections.



MIISTA Theodore

MIISTA Theodore

The whole zodiac compliments you because up to now you have been very diligent and if you managed to accomplish with extreme skill all the things you had set yourself. In fact, this month could be quite chill for you. You could start taking care of your body again, continuing the work of the last month or go directly to the relaxation phase, for example by giving yourself a nice bath with scented oils. All in all, a calm month, in which you are not required to pay too much attention to your spiritual self, but instead to your daily life, to all those facts of reality that you live. For example, there may be communication problems during this month, you may misunderstand others or be misunderstood. For this reason you must be very clear, in order not to risk that some attitudes disturb the calm and serenity of this month.
There may be little misunderstandings.





The stars during this month ask you to follow your heart, to express all your creativity and your art, to show and shout to the world who you are. It is a month focused very much on yourself, you feel a big positive push to better express your energy and have all eyes on you. It is a very positive moment to cultivate new hobbies, to see a new love born, to have more fun. There is always a but, my dear Aquarius friend, there may be some money problems ... You have to be more realistic about the expenses you have to face and not approximate! We know that you are not very tied to the materiality of life and therefore also to money, but in this month you have to be very careful and try to stay down to earth as much as possible.
It's easy, just follow your heart.


TELFAR Small Tote Bag

TELFAR Small Tote Bag

May mainly concerns your roots and your idea of "home", both physically but above all figuratively. The stars in this month ask you to focus on where your emotional stability is, to focus on all the activities and people who make you feel at home. A characteristic of your sign is that you are always unstable with your emotions, but during this month you will really find your balance. And how is it achieved? By dedicating your time to all those things that make you feel good and to learn to say "no" to people who take advantage of you, making you feel bad.
Learn to say no!


Illustrations by Ilaria Colombo exclusively for nss G-Club