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The beauty routine of tarots

How to approach the world of tarot cards with a daily ritual of mindfulness and self-help

The beauty routine of tarots How to approach the world of tarot cards with a daily ritual of mindfulness and self-help

We have already introduced the world of tarot cards, now we want to give some more advice on how to approach the use of cards at an amateur level. If seen as a magical, divinatory tool, tarot cards will always remain a hermetic object that is difficult to understand. But used as a sort of tool for self-help, as a pretext to stop a moment to reflect on what happened during the day, our emotions, our energy levels, enthusiasm or anger, anxiety, fear, then they can become a powerful and fun ally to face your daily life. Just like a beauty routine in which you get up and rinse your face before applying your favorite creams, tarot cards can be a tool to nourish the soul with pills, day after day.

Approach your deck of cards keeping in mind what intention you are doing this with: for yourself, to help others, to become a professional fortune teller or just for fun? Each of these answers provides for a certainly different level of study and deepening, but what is certain is that a deck of tarot cards can be handled by anyone for the right purposes.

So even the curious novice can take the cards in their hands, shuffle and draw them, and then observe the draw. Just want to take the time, keep a question in mind, and interrogate the deck after shuffling it. At that point, observation is the basis, sometimes just that is enough. Have they given you a deck but you still don't feel ready to start reading? Experiment. Whether it's a study exercise or a morning ritual, the cards speak to you more than you might imagine. Here are the steps of the "tarot beauty routine".


Step 1: Choose a time of day when you can take time for yourself. It takes just 10 minutes. 

Step 2: Light a candle, burn some incense or, even better, Palo Santo, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply as you mix the 22 cards of the Major Arcana (start using only these if you are just starting out, it will be easier, over time, to memorize the meanings). Think hard about the question to ask: make it as simple and clear as possible.

Step 3: With your left hand, spread the deck with the cards face down in front of you and, again with your left hand, choose a card and turn it over on the table.

Step 4: Observe your result by examining the drawing. The answer will be revealed in detail and as a whole. But also through what that figure reminds you of, what it means for you - and maybe for no one else. Think about what the colors of the paper tell you, the feelings of acceptance or repulsion they inspire you.

Observe yourself. Every thought, every reaction, is in itself the answer to the question. Be silent in your mind and let all that the paper has aroused in you. For starters, research what that card traditionally can mean and compare it to what it means to you.

Keep that card in the corner of your mind throughout the day and let it inspire and guide you. Use the cards as a mirror. They are talking about you, because through the interpretation of their symbols you will have the opportunity to feel free to express what aloud, filtered from the mind, could never exist.